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The Antarctic Front was a campaign during [[World war III|World War III]] where the [[British Empire]] would take control over [[Scandinavia]]'s Antarctic territories.{{ConflictBox|campaignbox=|territory=-Britain annexes Scandinavia's Antarctic territories|place=Antarctica|timeline=2080-2080|combatant1=Scandinavia|combatant2=British Empire|strength1=0|casualties1=0|strength2=21|casualties2=0}}

=== Campaign ===
During late 2080 the [[British Empire]] would send 21 solidiers to go along the coast of the Antarctic Scandinavian territory, primarily by boat, and capture his most prevalent bases. [[British Empire|Britain]] faced no resistance in this campaign but after having occupied half the coast he opted to finish the job by naval invading the remaining two Scandinavian Antarctic bases.
=== About ===
The Antarctic Front was the least important front during the war, becomming the greatest land-grab-to-casualties-ratio in history. Since the scientists of the occupied bases was largelly [[Norway|Norwegian]] the [[British Empire|British]] occupation force faced little to no civilian resistance either, the worst being an angry Swede screaming "intruders!" upon the occupation force's arrival. Due to the sheer worthlessness of the territory the campaign is thought to have been launched for morale purposes, since winning the front would mean completely liberating a continent from [[Fifth Reich of Deutschland (AFOE: Collapse)|German]] influence.[[File:Antarctica.png|thumb|Antarctic Front]]