Cinatit The Corruptor

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Cinatit, officially Cinatit Cellatain The Corruptor, Order 53814, or CTC in short, is an archdemon and previous Ordinal of Geopolitics who is thought to have had the fourth highest position in the ranks of the Army of Darkness. He is possessing the official government of the self-proclaimed Fifth Reich and is subsequently supressing the "true Germany".


On Alignments

He is a chaotic evil enneagram 3w4 with an IQ ranging from 143 to 204 depending on how hard he tries. Presumably, the lower end of his IQ is limited by that of his host, which would render his actual IQ at 204, the highest out of any character (exceptions could be Order 666 and The Creator). He seeks revenge on humanity for beating him in ww2 and seeks to prove his worthiness to his colleges and to Order 666, seeking to restore his honor.

On Legion

After Cinatit was depromoted back in 1945, his subordinate Legion was made the new Ordinal of Geopolitics, much to the dismay of Cinatit. Cinatit’s approach to Legion is uneasy, as although they technically both are on the dark side, Cinatit cannot accept getting replaced by his own subordinate and thus would be delighted to see them fail, - but he cannot fight Legion himself, as that would definitely be considered treason against Order 666, rather than just being a bit “rogue” like he’s been so far. Unlike Legion, he views inflicting suffering upon humanity as having a higher priority than leading them astray. Although Cinatit did create “Positive Christianity” As well as trying to depose the pope that one time, he generally only does so to please his master (Order 666) and doesn’t care much about it himself.

On Ideology

To him, ideology is nothing but a means to an end, thus the ideology itself doesn’t matter as long as it gets the job done, and lots of people suffer. In the same sense, he doesn’t care about winning wars for the war’s sake, but to “steal kill and destroy”, to inflict as much pain and suffering for humanity as possible as revenge for his depromotion, and to show himself as evil enough to get back his rank as Ordinal of Geopolitics.

On Authority

He doesn’t generally like following the orders of others, especially not if they have previously been his subordinate (in the case of Legion). He prefers to do things his own way, as he reckons he always knows best, better than anyone else, apart from maybe Order 666. This makes him pretty rogue as he is not very cooperative, especially since his exile.

On Failure

"Deutschland will rise again, it always does..." - Cinatit 1945

Cinatit is very sentimental and revangist when it comes to past failures, though he is not afraid of an eventual defeat despite this. He knows he will fail eventually and that his time is limited, yet rather than shy away from that eventuality he openly embraces it, looking to make the worst out of the time he still has.

"Yes, I am a failure... But when has that ever stopped me before...?" - Cinatit 2088

Ever since losing ww2 Cinatit has however shown to be significantly more paranoid and calculating than before as he definitely does not want to humiliate himself for a second time.

On Doubts

Cinatit has been shown to carry guilt (at least to some capacity) from all the bad stuff he has done, even going so far as to call himself “a failure”, then proceeding to state “But when’s that ever stopped me before?”. His guilt can also be seen as he fails to give an answer to France’s question of “was it worth it?” regarding the brutal lengths he has gone to, in order to get revenge for ww2. He is unsure of if he really should have taken power of Germany originally, if he really should have isolated himself and just scheme for bitter revenge for 97 long years and if he really should have sided with Order 666 during the Dark Revolution all those millennia ago. These are however mere surpressed thoughts, not yearns. He reckons he’s too far down on his current path for doubt to even be considered anyhow.

On Morailty

In general however, Cinatit loves to do evil, once stating “there’s nothing more satisfying than shedding the blood of one’s enemies”. His morality is allegedly flipped by 180 degrees, though it is unconfirmed whether or not this is true.

On Friendship

After having carried his team in ww2, and then see his allies either switch sides or surrender, and after having seen the same pathetic incompetency and ending from his allies during ww3 he has had enough of alliances and thinks he is better off all by himself, - after all, that’s how he took power over Germany, both in 1933 and in 2043. Thus, following ww3 his arrogance leads him to push any remaining allies away, opting to only have puppets and himself. He is already very lonely, yet fails to ever acknowledge it to even himself as he doesn’t view it as important anyway.


Prior to Genesis

In episode 19 he states "I have billions of years to my name!" and while more exact estimates places him on about 13 800 000 000 years of age it is unknown whether or not he is lying. Presumably, he served The Creator up until the Dark Revolution where he sided with Lucifer and partook in open rebellion against his formed master. As the Dark Revolution failed, he was cast out of Heaven along with all the other rebels. This was when he got his descriptor of "Order 53814" as he was the 53 814th rebelling angel. Due to his skill in organization and tactics shown off during the rebellion, Order 666 quickly promoted him to the title of Archdemon.

Early Europe

In 962 Cinatit was made the Ordinal of Geopolitics and was tasked by Order 666 to be the overseer of the Holy Roman Empire in order to make sure to deholinize it, thus, he gained the title of "The Corruptor of geopolitics". Cinatit is said to have become very attached to influencing the German states, particularly Prussia, though also Austria to a lesser extent. How big of a role Cinatit played in the unification of Germany and in ww1 is not known, though it is likely less than 20 %.

World War II

In 1933, Cinatit managed to possess the whole German government in return for promises of honor and revenge, creating the Third Reich, effectively possessing a whole nation rather than just one individual, something no demon before him had ever done. After achieving this great feat he formulated the procedure neccessary to replicate it in the Gateway Protocols, though he decided to keep it hidden in order to avoid supernatural competition, planning to not leak it until the end times. His colleagues watched with intrigue as he waged a second world war, but as he failed, Order 666 issued his depromotion whilst also secretly encouraging him to go underground in hopes of one day trying again.


After being depromoted for his failure to win the war, Cinatit refused to recognize the depromotion and broke communications with all his associates, hoping to have his name’s respect restored once he had taken back power in Germany and won World War 3 as he aimed to do. For 97 years he suffered in exile, during this time Cinatit spent the time scheming, recharging power and funding revolutions to weaken his opposition. By the time he finally returned to power in Germany he had been partly responsible in both the fall of the Soviets and NATO and much of the Old West as well as having sponsored anarchist revolutions in Venezuela and in the Middle East. It was also during this time that he developed his Divisor Protocols and made his spy network the greatest one in history.

Return to Power

After returning to power and forming the Fifth Reich he was able to ramp up his espionage and revolution sponsoring significantly. He invaded Italy to “free Croatia” for a port in the Mediterranean to make it easier to sponsor revolutions in the Middle East as well as import resources from it. Originally he was planning on also launching anarchist revolutions in the New West but he later discarded this idea and instead opted to sponsor anarchist revolutions in Africa.

World War III

During ww3 (2079-2086) he was able to defeat almost all of the Intermarium and each a stalemate with America. Although he technically did win, it wasn’t very fulfilling, as he ended up with more enemies and less allies than he started with.