Déjà vu

Revision as of 21:07, 25 December 2024 by Fantasm (talk | contribs) (I made Deja Vu's page actually about it)

The Deja Vu series was the first mapping series that Servant Mapper publicly released. As the series is an infinite loop, the total number of episodes could be considered either 6 or infinite.

List of characters

  • France
  • UN occupation zone of Germania
  • Alsace-Lorraine
  • Lothringia
  • Germania
  • Etna
  • Italy
  • South Italy
  • Tannu Tuva
  • Russia
  • U.S.S.R (Later CSUR, Commonwealth of United Soviet Republics)
  • Spain
  • Portugal
  • Britain
  • Austria

Episode x+1: Return

The map starts out with France, Alsace-Lorraine, A UN occupation zone in Germania, Italy, Austria, Etna, Russia, Spain, Tannu Tuva, and Portugal. Spontaneously, the south gains independence, with a shocked and angered north immediately declaring war. In dismay, south Italy remarks that he "just got out of a long, three-sided civil war". After some advances, Etna spontaneously becomes part of Russia again, with Russia remarking about it. France is confused as is Russia, who remarks that he won't give their independence back. Suddenly, Germania rebels from the UN occupation zone, quickly knocking out the UN but losing some land to France and Austria before signing peace. France remarks that this feels oddly familiar, and mentions Object 22 for the first time. He also wonders if Britain used to appear. At that same moment, Britain appears, and the video ends.

Episode x+2: Object 22

Britain immediately demands that South Italy give him back Object 22, threatening blockades and harbor bombings if he doesn't comply. South Italy suddenly remarks that his fleet is now gone. Britain is about to ask France to borrow his fleet when he notices that France is much bigger than he remembers him being, and asks him when Germania gave all his land back. France, having "never" been given any land back, is confused, though he does mention Baden Württemberg, which he annexed while Germania was rebelling from the UN. The UK is confused by this, saying that France is 150% the size he used to be and that Germania "has always been independent". Britain says this feels familiar and that he's pointing out things that never happened, while France says he might not have been present. On the contrary, Britain claims that he was always present. France then changes the subject back to fleets, saying that Soviet's fleet was parked on Iceland after his defeat (Iceland in this world is extremely small and uncontrolled), and that Britain could take it. When he takes it, he realizes that it's his fleet, but doesn't think that much about it. With this, he naval invades South Italy and "takes" Object 22 back. He thinks he invented it but doesn't remember what it does, only saying that it's "powerful enough to start wars over it" and that his researchers "will try to figure it out". At this point, the Soviet Union revolts from Russia, and then invades Tannu Tuva, the actual holder of Object 22, where Tannu Tuva realizes too late that that's the reason for Soviet's invasion. This leaves Russia's old government exiled to Etna, much to Germania's dismay. He thinks he needs to expand further, thinking about a unification with Austria- an anschluss, if you will- where Austria says that he's starting to sound like "him" (Presumably Nazi Germany). Germania says he's too dangerous to be left alive, declaring war and pulling in France, and the video ends.

Episode x+3: Kaiserreich

Germania almost immediately takes Alsace-Lorraine and Austria. Britain offers his support, but France remarks that it won't nearly be enough. With Russia stuck on Etna and Italy stuck in a civil war, France asks Soviet for help, who responds by saying that he has barely any navy to help him out with even if he wanted to help. Spain and Portugal offer convoys, relieving France. During this war, as Germania continues to advance, Britain asks France if he feels like this has all happened before. France also points out that Britain appeared from nowhere. Britain wonders if South Italy brought him in from another timeline. Upon trying to take himself home, he realizes that "Object 22" was a South Italian decoy. As Britain demands Object 22 back, South Italy causes Britain to vanish from existence. South Italy says to France that Object 22 holds immense power and that he couldn't trust Britain with it. France wonders where Spanish and Portuguese aid is, but when he tries to pick them up, he realizes that Portugal and Spain aren't actually real. Germania offers him a harsh peace treaty, where after accepting, France remarks that he feels like he signed that treaty before. France also looks at the fog around Europe and wonders if the fog has always existed, deciding he should one day send ships out into the fog. Meanwhile, North Italy makes heavy advances on South Italy, reaching Naples, while Germania creates a puppet state in his occupied French lands of Lothringia, and gets involved as a 3rd party in the Italian civil war deciding a unified Italy would pose too much of a threat, and that he should weaken everyone else to make him the strongest in europe. North Italy is quickly partitioned as a result. South Italy, realizing not even Object 22 can save him, decides to remove himself from the timeline, and Italy comes back in to power now wondering what happened to his north. This also causes Russia (Etna) to suddenly change flags and become Sicily. Germania continues to invade him. While all this happens, USSR says that he's figured out "how to use Tannu Tuva's secret" and that none of the world will be able to stop him.

Episode x+4: Communist Utopia

The USSR begins his operations by testing his strength on a weak enemy in Sicily, naval invading from both the East and West. As he falls, Sicily, in a confused state, asks when he landed his armies, saying that he never saw Soviet land. Soviet then brings up to Germany what he said earlier about weakening everyone else, and tells him that he "forgot about one". Germania mocks him, claiming that he cannot make a naval landing with "only a couple of fisherboats", only for Soviet to immediately land on his entire eastern coast. USSR explains to Germany that when Britain disappeared, his fleet was left floating, and Soviet took it. He also claimed that the world was "full of wars and suffering" and that "South Italy would have agreed". He also says that there would be no wars if the entire continent was ruled by one country, and that "Only then, when land and resources are evenly distributed between people can there be prosperity and equality in this confusing world." He says that he calls it the "Communist manifesto". Meanwhile, Soviet invades Lothringia with his navy, while Austria declares his independence. Germania can't even figure out where Soviet's armies are. He goes for Austria but finds that not a single Austrian was actually rebelling, and that he was now encircled. As France refused to help and Italy switched sides, Germania got completely surrounded while USSR (Now CUSR) allowed Lothringia to leave the war. Soviet then annexes the rest of Germania and Austria. Italy and Lothringia start arguing over whether or not Italy was on Soviet's side, and Italy brings back the old North Italian government that was exiled in France. CUSR is unfazed and declares war on the entire rest of Europe, and the episode ends.

Episode x+5: Again

CUSR quickly advances on Italy, France, and Lothringia. CUSR also shows off the strength of Object 22 by suddenly causing Spain and Portugal to exist. France has communication issues and seemingly can't find the front line, while Italy also can't find the front line. He then realizes what this is all about and has a private talk with France in Rome, even as CUSR surrounds the city. Tannu Tuva reveals himself, explaining that he was revived, that he has a space program and that he's the inventor of Object 21, an item that can cause illusions. He helps the coalition re-establish communication lines. As this happens, CUSR starts to get pushed back, and Germania starts to "rebel", but when CUSR sends forces over there he realizes there are no rebels there. He is confused, as the location of Object 21 Kyzyl, isn't captured, until he realizes that they captured it after somehow getting past his fleet and created the illusion that they didn't. France explains to CUSR that in his explorations in the fog he found a non-Euclidean path through the fog onto lands once controlled by Tannu Tuva. With this, during his conference with Italy, the French army quickly captured Kyzyl and seized Object 22. As the coalition makes huge progress against CUSR, confusing him greatly, Tannu Tuva explains how rather than using Object 21 to project armies where they aren't, they simply made CUSR completely unable to see anything, and easily defeated him. In the peace deal Austria was released, Italy received borderlands, France got their old land back, the CUSR fleet was parked on Iceland, Sicily and Tannu Tuva were released, Germania became a UN occupation zone, the Russian Federation retook power in Russia, Object 21 was returned to Tannu Tuva and classified, and it was stated that x=infinity. France is confused, feeling like the treaty was signed before once, and tries to do something to prove that he has free will by releasing Alsace-Lorraine, something "completely random". France complains about Deja Vu, and afterwards, episode x+1 plays out in full again, continuing the paradox.

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