Fifth Reich of Deutschland (AFOE: Collapse): Difference between revisions

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{{Infobox Country|conventional_long_name=Fifth Reich|native_name=Fünftes Reich|common_name=Fifth Reich|capital=[[Berlin (AFOE: Collapse)|Berlin]]|government_type=[[Demonocracy]]}}The '''5th Reich''' can be considered the most important nation in the [[AFOE: Collapse]] timeline. 5th Reich refers to synarcho-fascist Germany that as of the end of Season 2 in the series has control over modern day Austria and Germany along with Alsace-Lorraine, Trieste, Silesia, mainland Denmark and Prussia. 5th Reich does not have any allies, but have a lot of enemies and is currently at war with the anglosphere. 5th Reich is very influential and has subjugated Lithuania, Livonia (Estonia and Latvia), Czechoslovakia , southern Italy and the Benelux (The Benelux, but Flanders was annexed into the Netherlands earlier) with major influence in nearby French and Italian states.
{{Infobox Country|conventional_long_name=Fifth Reich of Deutschland|native_name=Fünftes Reich Deutschland|common_name=Fifth Reich
Germany|capital=[[Berlin (AFOE: Collapse)|Berlin]]|government_type=[[Demonocracy]]|image_flag=Flag of the}}
The '''Fifth Reich of Deutschland''' ('''Fifth Reich''' or '''5th Reich''') can be considered the most important nation in the [[AFOE: Collapse]] timeline. 5th Reich refers to synarcho-fascist Germany that as of the end of Season 2 in the series has control over modern day Austria and Germany along with Alsace-Lorraine, Trieste, Silesia, mainland Denmark and Prussia. 5th Reich does not have any allies, but have a lot of enemies and is currently at war with the anglosphere. 5th Reich is very influential and has subjugated Lithuania, Livonia (Estonia and Latvia), Czechoslovakia , southern Italy and the Benelux (The Benelux, but Flanders was annexed into the Netherlands earlier) with major influence in nearby French and Italian states.
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