Fifth Reich of Deutschland (AFOE: Collapse): Difference between revisions

LBMapper12 (talk | contribs)
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{{Infobox Country|conventional_long_name=Fifth Reich of Deutschland|native_name=Fünftes Reich Deutschland|common_name=Fifth Reich
{{Infobox Country|conventional_long_name=Fifth Reich of Deutschland|native_name=Fünftes Reich Deutschland|common_name=Fifth Reich
Germany|capital=[[Berlin (AFOE: Collapse)|Berlin]]|government_type=[[Demonocracy]]|image_flag=Flag of the Fifth Reich.png}}
Germany|capital=[[Berlin (AFOE: Collapse)|Berlin]]|government_type=[[Demonocracy]]|image_flag=Flag of the Fifth Reich.png|year_exile_start=1945|year_exile_end=2034}}

The '''Fifth Reich of Deutschland''' ('''Fifth Reich''' or '''5th Reich''') can be considered the most important nation in the [[AFOE: Collapse]] timeline. 5th Reich refers to synarcho-fascist Germany that as of the end of Season 2 in the series has control over modern day Austria and Germany along with Alsace-Lorraine, Trieste, Silesia, mainland Denmark and Prussia. 5th Reich does not have any allies, but have a lot of enemies and is currently at war with the anglosphere. 5th Reich is very influential and has subjugated Lithuania, Livonia (Estonia and Latvia), Czechoslovakia , southern Italy and the Benelux (The Benelux, but Flanders was annexed into the Netherlands earlier) with major influence in nearby French and Italian states.
The '''Fifth Reich of Deutschland''' ('''Fifth Reich''' or '''5th Reich''') can be considered the most important nation in the [[AFOE: Collapse]] timeline. 5th Reich refers to synarcho-fascist Germany that as of the end of Season 2 in the series has control over modern day Austria and Germany along with Alsace-Lorraine, Trieste, Silesia, mainland Denmark and Prussia. 5th Reich does not have any allies, but have a lot of enemies and is currently at war with the anglosphere. 5th Reich is very influential and has subjugated Lithuania, Livonia (Estonia and Latvia), Czechoslovakia , southern Italy and the Benelux (The Benelux, but Flanders was annexed into the Netherlands earlier) with major influence in nearby French and Italian states.
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