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"And let's spread the revolution..."

Anarchists of Iran


Capital Tehran
Government Anarcho-Syndicalist society (De jure)

Mafia state (De facto)


-Iran at the end of Episode 2

Anarchists of Iran, or simply Iran, was a nominally anarcho-syndicalist state in power over most of modern-day Iran. Although formally a leftist anarchy, Iran was actually ruled by its mafia as noted by Kurdistan in his first conversation with Tripolitania, and later by Iran himself saying that his leader died in a terror attack and saying his mafia had a leader when Iraq accused him of being untruthful to Anarchy. Hence, he was a False Anarchist. He was also secretly a proxy of the Fifth Reich, who while in exile had backed up Iran's revolution and continued to send aid to the Collateral Liberty Pact after coming to power. He capitulated in 2084 to the Anglosphere, Levantine Security Arrangement, Islamic Authority, and a Social Democratic uprising.


To the outside world, Iran appeared aggressive, tough, and threatening. In actuality, he was a coward who mostly relied on secret aid from Germany and was extremely untruthful to his alleged ideology. Furthermore, he was also very uppity about gatekeeping information about his relations with Germany and betrayal of Anarchism from his ideologically purist puppet in Iraq, with said ideological disputes eventually leading to Iraq betraying him. Furthermore, him and Syria were also very insistent on defending their fake anarchism, with Syria accusing Iraq of being too idealistic and Iran claiming that anarchies at least needed some institutions to not be totally dysfunctional.

Usage as a puppet by the Fifth Reich

"You're a scam, Iran! The revolution was never genuine."

-Iraq to Iran before betraying him during WWIII

Beyond simply backing him, Iran's Mafia was also secretly in the political influence of the Fifth Reich, something that was kept secret from the rest of the world- when Kurdistan discovered classified documents about the Reich's support for Iran while spying on him, he proceeded to use those documents as leverage when the Collateral Liberty Pact tried to invade him- forcing Iran to back down, an early showing of his cowardice. They still did not trust each other leading to the pact flooding their borders with Kurdistan with troops. Eventually, the information got out- Britain caught Kurdistan talking with Libya about classified documents and demanded to know everything Kurdistan knew on the anarchists. Although a war broke out as Kurdistan initially hesitated, after Libya got Britain to agree to protect him in exchange for the info, Kurdistan revealed to everyone that Germany was the one supporting the Anarchism as a part of his Divisor Protocols- a plan to weaken his potential European rivals from the inside. This was also originally intended to occur in Europe- partially shown by the failed attempt by Anarchists to take power in Britain during the British Civil War- but the Reich mentions in a conversation with Iran that he considered it too late to fund Anarchist movements anymore. During World War III, Iran and his alliance constantly shipped oil, gas, and other natural resources in exchange for not only military equipment, but for his commandbots- which were implemented in charge of their militaries. Syria notes in a conversation with Iran that they're "basically German puppets by now" and later Iraq also accuses him of being a puppet before betraying him.


Rise of Anarchism

In 2027, the Islamic Republic of Iran broke out into a civil war as republicans rebelled trying to set up a more democratic state. During this period, many other groups rose up too, such as Tabriz- another one of these groups was the Union of Iranian and Afghan Anarchists, the predecessor state to the Anarchists of Iran. At the same time, an Anarcho-Communist rebellion broke out in Kurdistan. After gaining some land, the Union of Iranian and Afghan anarchists installed a temporary military government and declared the Anarchists of Iran, rebranding from a country to an organization. As the war raged on, he offered an alliance to Kurdistan in exchange for recognition, an offer that was accepted. Following this, they also backed up 2 insurgencies in Syria- Anarchist Rojava and RUIS- the latter being the predecessor to the Anarchists of Syria. Upon winning the war in both Syria and Iran, Kurdistan annexed Rojava while Iran, Kurdistan, and Syria signed an alliance, the Collateral Liberty Pact.


Yemeni Proxy Conflict

In 2030, the Collateral Liberty Pact backed up anarchist rebels in Yemen- Yemen asked Somalia if he had seen anarchists himself before, but as Somalia broke out into civil war himself, Yemen received no answer. With backing from the Middle Eastern Bloc, the rebels in North Yemen were quickly put down, but they established a foothold in the south and pushed to a stalemate frontline resembling the old border between North and South Yemen before their unification in our timeline. As such, Türkiye, the Middle Eastern Bloc's leader, proposed a split, with the North being aligned with the Middle Eastern Bloc, while in the South a Collateral Liberty Pact member state was set up.

Iraqi Civil War

In 2039, an anarchist uprising in Iraq supported by the Collateral Liberty Pact occurred. Initially, Iraq declined offers of help from Saudi Arabia and the Middle Eastern Bloc, as Iraq began to lose the war the entire alliance started sending him supplies. However, the Collateral Liberty Pact responded by directly declaring war on Iraq, and when Saudi Arabia started mobilizing to intervene himself, Türkiye demanded that he back down to avoid starting a massive middle eastern war, which Saudi Arabia had to go along with. Thus, an anarchist Iranian puppet regime was set up in Iraq, with Kurdistan annexing the majority-Kurdish lands.

African Revolution

See more: 1st African Revolution

Although the Collateral Liberty Pact (Not including Kurdistan, who wasn't aware of the secret operations of the alliance) secretly provided aid to the democrats along with Germany in order to kick the west out of Africa, there was also a more directly backed Anarchist Chadian state that rose up and gained power as a member of the Collateral Liberty Pact directly.

Operation Integral and falling out with Kurdistan

After both Saudi Arabia and Israel were kicked out of the Middle Eastern Bloc, Iran immediately ordered the alliance to strike Türkiye Almost immediately, Kurds in Türkiye launched an insurgency in the name of democracy instead of anarchism, and Iran accused Kurdistan of betraying the ideology. Kurdistan responded by saying that the rebels would still join him and also briefly pointed out that he had given the mafia control over financial and military sectors. Iran got suspicious of this, but didn't say anything at that moment. Instead, as the war with Türkiye ground to a halt, the alliance funded an environmentalist libertarian uprising that quickly took over the country. Immediately after this, Iran ordered the alliance to attack Kurdistan himself, whereupon Kurdistan revealed that he had classified documents that could make the anarchist reputation go dead. This forced the alliance to withdraw, but relations remained extremely tense.

Failed invasion of the Levant

In 2059, a 3-way war broke out as Syria and Iraq attacked all the Levantine states at the same time, while Israel was also at war with the rest of the Levant. However, Iran refused to join the invasion claiming that their enemies would learn to cooperate with each other. This statement proved to be correct- although Kuwait fell and the initial offensives went very well, when Israel eventually managed to cooperate with the other Levantine nations, they immediately started pushing the two anarchists back. Iran immediately ordered them to sign peace, saying that if he joined and they still didn't easily win, that the Deobandi Authority would declare war on them.

World War III and demise

Early War and Islamic Authority's entry

Although the Collateral Liberty Pact was not immediately involved in the world war, when Kurdistan revealed to Britain that Germany had been the one behind anarchism, that brought the alliance into a war with the anglosphere and Kurdistan. Then, they declared war on the Levantine Security Arrangement under orders from the Reich, partially to make it easier to supply them, and partially because of his personal hatred of Jews. However, the Anarchists were not ready for Jerusalem to be as heavily defended as it was, and the front quickly ground to a stalemate. When this happened, the Islamic Authority set up defensive positions in Africa in their Tenth Crusade, moving their armies back into Asia to strike as well. Social Democrats backed by the Islamists also rose up in the region, and Iran briefly remarked that his leader was killed in a terrorist attack- something that Iraq accused him of betraying the ideology for.

Mid-War, Hindustani entry, and Kurdistan's capitulation

While at this point the front was going extremely poorly, the Reich implemented two measures that temporarily turned it around for the Anarchists, getting Morocco and Hindustan into the war. Alongside the African Revolutionaries, Morocco steamrolled across North Africa, capitulating Imperial Algiers and nearly capitulating Libya before the URA launched a massive naval invasion that capitulated Morocco himself. Hindustan steamrolled through Pakistan, and the Anarchists were able to capitulate Kurdistan.

Decline of the front and demise

"See you in Hell."

-The Fifth Reich after Iran claimed that if he died, the Reich would be next

Although Kurdistan had capitulated, Morocco had also been taken out and the Islamic Authority decided not to surrender to Hindustan, with Afghanistan trying to slow him down as much as possible while Turkmenistan and the Social Democratic rebels in Iran tried to take down the Anarchists. The front with the Levant had also not progressed and the British Empire was still invading from the north. The final straw came with Iraq declaring Iran and Syria traitors to anarchism and switching sides. Shortly afterwards, after the Fifth Reich refused to send more aid or armies, the Collateral Liberty Pact's existence came to an end.