List of insignificant AFOE collapse states: Difference between revisions

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|Democratic Republic
|Libertarian Democratic Republic
|Splinter-State of the Second Pakistani Republic following its civil war. Involved on Germany's side in WW3.
|Splinter-State of the Second Pakistani Republic following its civil war. Involved on Germany's side in WW3.
|Anocratic Neotsarist Monarchy
|Neotsarist Monarchy
|Splinter-State of the Russian Federation, formerly an Ingrian and Livonian puppet before switching sides in a Union of Russia invasion, later joining Germany's side in WW3.
|Splinter-State of the Russian Federation, formerly an Ingrian and Livonian puppet before switching sides in a Union of Russia invasion, later joining Germany's side in WW3.
|Minarchist Republic
|Liberal Minarchist Republic
|One of the African Revolutionaries.
|One of the African Revolutionaries.
|Conservative Dictatorship
|Conservative Dictatorship
|Splinter-State of Sudan following its collapse in the Islamic Authority's war with Egypt. Involved in the 10th Crusade against the African Revolutionaries.
|Splinter-State of Sudan following its collapse in the Islamic Authority's war with Egypt. Involved in the 10th Crusade against the African Revolutionaries.
|Minarchist Republic
|Anocratic Syndicalist State
|One of the African Revolutionaries.
|One of the African Revolutionaries.
|Anocratic Conservative Republic
|Anocratic Conservative Republic
|French protectorate following Nigeria's collapse in the [[1st African Revolution]]. Would later reunite Nigeria before yet again falling to the Revolutionaries.
|French protectorate following Nigeria's collapse in the [[1st African Revolution]]. Would later reunite Nigeria before yet again falling to the Revolutionaries.
|Anarchist Yemen
|[[Anarchist Yemen]]
|''De facto'' Mafia State
|''De facto'' Mafia State (AnSynd Pakhanate)
|Member of Iran's sphere of influence.
|Member of Iran's sphere of influence.
|Rationalist Dictatorship
|Rationalist Dictatorship
|Attempted Splinter-State in the Pakistani civil war, immediately surrendered upon Afghan entry.
|Attempted Splinter-State in the Pakistani civil war, immediately surrendered upon Afghan entry.
|Kajanan State
|[[Kajanan State]]
|Fascist Dictatorship (Presumably now Communist)
|Fascist Dictatorship (Now National-Bolshevism)
|RSFSR puppet state.
|RSFSR puppet state.
|Pre-Communist Karelia
|[[Pre-Communist Karelia]]
|Democratic Republic
|Agrarian Democratic Republic
|Splinter-State of Finland, couped by an RSFSR puppet government.
|Splinter-State of Finland, couped by an RSFSR puppet government.
|Communist Karelia
|[[Communist Karelia]]
|Communist Dictatorship
|Communist Dictatorship
|RSFSR puppet state.
|RSFSR puppet state.
|Anarcho-Syndicalist Society
|Anarcho-Syndicalist Society
|RSFSR puppet state.
|RSFSR puppet state.
|Anarchist Chads
|[[Anarchist Chads]]
|''De facto'' Mafia State
|''De facto'' Mafia State (AnSynd Pakhanate)
|Member of Iran's sphere of influence.
|Member of Iran's sphere of influence.
|Social Liberal Democratic Republic
|Social Liberal Democratic Republic
|Splinter-State of Nigeria after its first collapse, member of the African Revolutionaries.
|Splinter-State of Nigeria after its first collapse, member of the African Revolutionaries.
|Wukari Federaton
|[[Wukari Federaton]]
|Social Liberal Democratic Republic
|Social Liberal Democratic Republic
|Splinter-State of Nigeria after its first collapse, member of the African Revolutionaries.
|Splinter-State of Nigeria after its first collapse, member of the African Revolutionaries.
|Burkina Faso
|[[Burkina Faso]]
|Minarchist Republic
|Minarchist Republic
|One of the African Revolutionaries.
|One of the African Revolutionaries.
|Ivory Coast
|[[Ivory Coast]]
|Minarchist Republic
|Minarchist Republic
|One of the African Revolutionaries.
|One of the African Revolutionaries.
|Anocratic Syndicalist State
|Anocratic Syndicalist State
|Splinter-State of the Second Pakistani Republic, member of Iran's sphere of influence.
|Splinter-State of the Second Pakistani Republic, member of Iran's sphere of influence.
|Minarchist Republic
|Minarchist Republic
|One of the African Revolutionaries.
|One of the African Revolutionaries.
|The Gambia
|[[The Gambia]]
|Minarchist Republic
|Minarchist Republic
|One of the African Revolutionaries.
|One of the African Revolutionaries.
|Islamic Anarchist Society
|Islamic Anarchist Society
|Splinter-State of CAF.
|Splinter-State of CAF.
|Republic of The Congo (2077)
|[[Republic of The Congo (2077)]]
|Anocratic Syndicalist Republic
|Anocratic Syndicalist Republic
|Splinter-State of CAF.
|Splinter-State of CAF.
|Social Liberal Democratic Republic
|Social Liberal Democratic Republic
|Splinter-State of CAF.
|Splinter-State of CAF.
|Social Liberal Democratic Republic
|Social Liberal Democratic Republic
|Splinter-State of CAF.
|Splinter-State of CAF.
|Congolese Commune
|[[Congolese Commune]]
|Anocratic Syndicalist Republic
|Anocratic Syndicalist Republic
|Splinter-State of CAF.
|Splinter-State of CAF.
|Mombasan Emirate
|[[Mombasan Emirate]]
|Extremist Islamic Emirate
|Extremist Islamic Emirate
|Splinter-State of CAF.  
|Splinter-State of CAF.  
|"Hutu Power" (Ethnonationalist Dictatorship)
|"Hutu Power" (Ethnonationalist Dictatorship)
|Splinter-State of CAF.
|Splinter-State of CAF.
|Republic of Kenya
|[[Republic of Kenya]]
|Conservative Democratic Republic
|Conservative Democratic Republic
|Splinter-State of CAF.
|Splinter-State of CAF.
|Conservative Monarchy
|Splinter-State of Finland, part of Scandinavia's sphere of influence.
|Splinter-State of Finland, part of Scandinavia's sphere of influence.
|Rationalist Dictatorship
|Rationalist Dictatorship
|Splinter-State of Finland.
|Splinter-State of Finland, invaded and annexed by Scandinavia during World War III.
|Anocratic Syndicalist Republic
|Anocratic Syndicalist Republic
|Member of Colombia's Alliance, seized the Falklands during the British Civil War.
|Member of Colombia's Alliance, seized the Falklands during the British Civil War.
|Peruvian Syndicate
|[[Peruvian Syndicate]]
|Anocratic Syndicalist Republic
|Anocratic Syndicalist Republic
|Member of Colombia's Alliance.
|Member of Colombia's Alliance.
|Bolivian Commune
|[[Bolivian Commune]]
|Anocratic Syndicalist Republic
|Anocratic Syndicalist Republic
|Member of Colombia's Alliance.
|Member of Colombia's Alliance.
|Anocratic Syndicalist Republic
|Anocratic Syndicalist Republic
|Member of Colombia's Alliance.
|Member of Colombia's Alliance.
|Anocratic Syndicalist Republic
|Dictatorial Syndicalist Republic
|Member of Colombia's Alliance.
|Member of Colombia's Alliance.
|Anocratic Syndicalist Republic
|Dictatorial Syndicalist Republic
|Friendly relations with Colombia's Alliance, but not a direct member.
|Friendly relations with Colombia's Alliance, but not a direct member.
|Democratic Republic
|Democratic Republic
|Short-lived Splinter-State of the USA after its 2nd civil war, joined Canada before its invasion.
|Short-lived Splinter-State of the USA after its 2nd civil war, joined Canada before its invasion.
|Democratic Republic
|Democratic Republic
|Short-lived Splinter-State of the USA after its 2nd civil war, joined Canada before its invasion.
|Short-lived Splinter-State of the USA after its 2nd civil war, joined Canada before its invasion.
|Democratic Constitutional Monarchy
|Democratic Constitutional Monarchy
|Invaded and annexed by Sweden (Later Scandinavia)
|Invaded and annexed by Sweden (Later Scandinavia)
|Democratic Semi-Constitutional Monarchy
|Democratic Semi-Constitutional Monarchy
|Invaded and annexed by the Fifth Reich during its failed invasion of Switzerland.
|Invaded and annexed by the Fifth Reich during its failed invasion of Switzerland.
|Sinai Republic
|[[Sinai Republic]]
|Conservative Democratic Republic
|Conservative Democratic Republic
|Splinter-State of Egypt following its invasion by the Islamic Authority, Israeli puppet state.
|Splinter-State of Egypt following its invasion by the Islamic Authority, Israeli puppet state.
|Democratic Republic
|Democratic Republic
|Splinter-State of the Russian Federation, annexed by the Republic of Russia.
|Splinter-State of the Russian Federation, annexed by the Republic of Russia.
|Ural Republic
|[[Ural Republic]]
|Federal Democratic Republic
|Federal Democratic Republic
|Splinter-State of the Russian Federation, initially proposed the Federal Union of the Urals, later invaded and annexed by the Republic of Russia.
|Splinter-State of the Russian Federation, initially proposed the Federal Union of the Urals, later invaded and annexed by the Republic of Russia.
|Democratic Republic
|Democratic Republic
|Splinter-State of the Russian Federation, later invaded and annexed by the Republic of Russia.
|Splinter-State of the Russian Federation, later invaded and annexed by the Republic of Russia.
|Belligerent in Iran's civil war attempting to unite with Azerbaijan, in which it succeeded
|Belligerent in Iran's civil war attempting to unite with Azerbaijan, in which it succeeded
|Anarchist Rojava
|[[Anarchist Rojava]]
|Anarcho-Syndicalist society
|Anarcho-Syndicalist society
|One of the members of the Anarchist faction in Iran and Syria, joined Kurdistan at the end of the war.
|One of the members of the Anarchist faction in Iran and Syria, joined Kurdistan at the end of the war.
|Anarcho-Communist provisional government
|Anarcho-Communist provisional government
|Predecessor state to Anarchist Syria.
|Predecessor state to Anarchist Syria.
|Post Russia
|Post-Leftist Dictatorship
|Splinter-State of the Union of Russia.
|Conservative Democratic Republic
|Conservative Democratic Republic
|Splinter-State of the Union of Russia.
|Splinter-State of the Union of Russia.
|Erzyan Mastor
|[[Erzyan Mastor]]
|Anocratic Populist Republic
|Anocratic Populist Republic
|Splinter-State of the Union of Russia.
|Splinter-State of the Union of Russia.
|Agrarian Dictatorship
|Agrarian Dictatorship
|Splinter-State of the Union of Russia.
|Splinter-State of the Union of Russia.
|Imperial State of Iran
|[[Imperial State of Iran]]
|Nationalist Monarchy
|Nationalist Monarchy
|One of the factions in Iran's civil war, formed midway through and did not live to see it end.  
|One of the factions in Iran's civil war, formed midway through and did not live to see it end.  
|Manchurian Empire
|[[Manchurian Empire]]
|Populist Oligarchic Monarchy
|Populist Oligarchic Monarchy
|Although seemingly having his own faction and having relations with Hindustan, only shown on-screen during the Far Eastern front of World War 3 where China made short work of him.
|Although seemingly having his own faction and having relations with Hindustan, only shown on-screen during the Far Eastern front of World War 3 where China made short work of him.
|Democratic Republic
|Democratic Republic
|Han-Insurrectionist Mongolia
|[[Han-Insurrectionist Mongolia]]
|Revolutionary Dictatorship
|Revolutionary Dictatorship
|Short-lived proxy of Hindustan during World War 3's far-eastern front.
|Short-lived proxy of Hindustan during World War 3's far-eastern front.
|Western Sahara
|[[Western Sahara]]
|Islamic Dictatorship
|Invaded and annexed by Morocco after the Second Franco-Prussian war.
|Invaded and annexed by Morocco after the Second Franco-Prussian war.
|Democratic Constitutional Monarchy
|Democratic Constitutional Monarchy
|Short-lived state that formed after France annexed Wallonia during World War 2.5, joined the Netherlands shortly thereafter
|Short-lived state that formed after France annexed Wallonia during World War 2.5, joined the Netherlands shortly thereafter
|Democratic Republic
|Had a brief argument with Colombia in Episode 9.
|Neoliberal Democratic Republic
|Conservative Democratic Republic
|In exile in the Falklands after being invaded by CSAS off-screen in 2076.
|''De facto'' Mafia State (AnSynd Pakhanate)
|Invaded by Guyana in 2077.
|[[2nd Pakistani Republic]]
|Democratic Republic
|Came to power off-screen in 2036, collapsed in 2066 into a civil war in which the Jihadists gained power in most of the country.
|Absolute Monarchy
|Member of the Islamic Authority.
|[[Czech Order]]
|Fascist Demonocracy
|Puppet state of the 5th Reich.
|Democratic Republic
|Had an alliance with Livonia in which they co-pupped Novgorod, Ingria was invaded and annexed by the Union of Russia in 2065.
|Anocratic Republic
|Puppet state of the 5th Reich.
|[[South Italy]]
|Synarchist Pakhanate
|Puppet state of the 5th Reich.
|Democratic Republic (now Nationalist Anocracy)
|Formerly independent state and co-puppeteer of Novgorod, lost most of his land to the Union of Russia and was made a 5h Reich puppet as a rumpstate.
|[[North Italy]]
|Rationalist Dictatorship
|French puppet state following Germany's invasion of Italy.
|Conservative Democratic Republic
|State of Poland that attempted to secede, Germany used this opportunity to ignite the [[World war III|Third World War]].
|Anocratic Conservative Republic
|Attempted to occupy some of Legionary Turkiye's land, forced to back down by Azerbaijan.
|Federal Democratic Republic
|Invaded and annexed by Legionary Türkiye .
|[[Don Republic]]
|Absolute Monarchy
|Under Ukranian influence.
|[[Belarus (Post WW2.5)]]
|Democratic Republic
|State formed after the collapse of the Belarusian dictatorship, almost immediately invaded and annexed by Poland and the Union of Russia