
Revision as of 22:34, 25 December 2024 by Servant Mapper (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Influenced by: Reactionaryism “It is time to make America great again! No longer shall people suffer in search of meaning! No longer shall their goals diverge into madness!” - Josh Hawley 2032. Rationalism is a culturally and economically right-wing, ethnocentric, statist and nationalist auth-right ideology who presents himself as the rational alternative to neoliberal wokeism. Due to this, he is very reactionary by nature, and arose by the end of the 2020s as a...")
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“It is time to make America great again! No longer shall people suffer in search of meaning! No longer shall their goals diverge into madness!” - Josh Hawley 2032.

Rationalism is a culturally and economically right-wing, ethnocentric, statist and nationalist auth-right ideology who presents himself as the rational alternative to neoliberal wokeism. Due to this, he is very reactionary by nature, and arose by the end of the 2020s as a counterreaction to said wokeness.

Economically, he tends to embrace a state regulated capitalism similar to that of Keynesianism.

Rationalism is conservative, however he tends to rebuke concepts of freedom of religion and individual liberties, viewing it as a shallow and unnecessary distraction from the real goal of serving the state. Rather than believing the state is for the people, he believes the people are for the state, which was in stark contrast to most conservative movements back in his infancy.

Rationalism also gradually became increasingly anti-theist, as the process of secularism concluded.


The far-right saw a gradual rise in the early 2000s, however the rationalism we think of when we hear the word today didn’t come about until the National Front won the French election of 2029. The word itself wasn’t coined until 2026.

Towards the end of Trump’s term the controversies were overflowing, the main ones being his intervention in the anarchist civil wars of Panama, Venezuela and Colombia, his delayed intervention in the Second Chinese Civil War and his decision to leave NATO in order to better focus on the previous two.

In retrospect, it maybe isn’t too surprising that the American Alt-right decided to split off from the Republicans to form the American Rationale, or the United Rationals Party for the 2028 election. However, they did not capitalize on Republican failures, as they were rather supportive of their controversial policies.

After the French 2029 election, rationalism quickly began to spread like wildfire, especially after the left’s failure to prevent the European 2029 stock market crash in Germany. The national-conservative ruling party of Italy Fratelli d’Italia modeled their politics after the French and far-right parties of Poland and Spain also started taking notes.

The American Rationale likely would just have just fizzled out after losing the election if it wasn’t for the fact that the global stock market crashed halfway into the Democrats’ term, which devastated their reputation too. This, combined with the fact that they were stuck fighting two gruesome wars their whole term, won the American Rationale lots of voters for the next election. By the time of the 2032 election, they had gotten 48 % of the votes, only losing because the Republicans and Democrats had formed a coalition. This was followed by the Second American Civil War, where the Rationalists ultimately won, in part thanks to all of the French support.

After this, most of the West ended up falling to rationalism as the French and American movements morphed into one. Rationalism then presided to purge the woke left into near extinction, only returning as smaller movements in the Republic of Russia and in revolutionary Africa over 30 years later.

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