Republic of Russia: Difference between revisions

Servant Mapper (talk | contribs)
Servant Mapper (talk | contribs)
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The Republic of Russia, sometimes abbreviated as RR, is one of three widely recognized successour states to the Russian Federation. He is democratic, moderately progressive and expansionist.
The Republic of Russia, sometimes abbreviated as RR, is one of three widely recognized successour states to the Russian Federation. He is democratic, moderately progressive and expansionist.
{{Infobox Country|conventional_long_name=Republic of Russia|native_name=Республика Россия|year_end=????|image_flag=|image_coat=|capital=Omsk (2035-2038) (2071-Onwards)
Perm (2038-2071)|government_type=Progressive Agrarian Federal Republic|year_start=2034|official_languages=Russian|religion=Eastern Orthodox Christianity|stat_pop1=29 000 000|stat_pop2=13 000 000|largest_city=Novosibirsk|width=1|stat_year1=2034|stat_year2=2035|stat_year3=2086|stat_pop3=25 000 000}}

== '''Personality''' ==
== '''Personality''' ==
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==== '''The Russian Apocalypse''' ====
==== '''The Russian Apocalypse''' ====
At New Year's eve, the Russian Federation, after having lost Putin along with most of his country, decided to push the red button. The nuclear hellstorm that followed, targeted primarily at Russian civilian centers, ended up killing approximantely 75 % of Russia's total population. Following the massacre, the varius rebels called for a temporary truce in order to fully destroy the remainder of the Russian Federation. Amidst this chaos the Republic of Russia attempted to defeat the last of Idel-Ural, but was unsuccessfull as Idel-Ural managed to escape through the toxicly radiated wasteland and hide in the west, plotting for revenge to get back his homeland.
At New Year's eve, the Russian Federation, after having lost Putin along with most of his country, decided to push the red button. The nuclear hellstorm that followed, targeted primarily at Russian civilian centers, ended up killing approximantely 75 % of Russia's total population. Following the massacre, the varius rebels called for a temporary truce in order to fully destroy the remainder of the Russian Federation. Amidst this chaos the Republic of Russia attempted to defeat the last of Idel-Ural, but was unsuccessfull as Idel-Ural managed to escape through the toxicly radiated wasteland and hide in the west, plotting for revenge to get back his homeland.
==== '''Nuclear Raid of 2035''' ====
In 2035 the Republic of Russia would get their nuclear silos raided and their nuclear arsenal stolen by the unknown raiders. Following this incident the Republic of Russia would establish their secret intelligence service in order to make sure something similar would never happen again and they made sure news of the raid would not be leaked to the public.
==== '''First Ural War''' ====
''See more: [[1st Ural War]]''
==== '''First Five Year Plan''' ====
In 2038 the Republic of Russia introduced its first five year plan, which called for rebuilding, the rehabilitation of people to the major cities, most notably Berenziki and Perm (two cities he did not at the time control) and the strengthening of his army. The plan also called for the restoration of electrical power throughout the nation, though this proved to be but a wet dream, as even today many of his cities lack electricity and running water.
==== '''Invasion of the Ural Republic''' ====
In order to gain the ownership over Berenziki and Perm, the Republic of Russia declared war on the Ural Republic on the first of July 2038. The invasion initially went very well, with the Republic capturing Kirov, Serov and Kurgan within only two weeks of fighting. After having captured Kirov, the Kirov Republic agreed to surrender and become a puppet of the RR instead of being a puppet of the Ural Republic. At the 25th of July RR had captured Berenziki and by the 30th he was at the gates of Perm as he signed a white peace with Bashkortostan who had joined in an attempt to help the Ural Republic defend himself. By November the war had reached a stalemate in the southern end of the Ural mountains as the front had become too narrow and the terrain too rough to push in. RR had declared Perm to be his new capital in hopes of boosting morale but to no effect. That was when Kazakhstan joined the war on the side of the Republic of Russia, and with Republican forces already positioned along the new front line the Ural Republic was capitulated on the fourth of January 2039. [[Tatarstan]] had also joined the war alongside Kazakhstan but this was just to secure more land for himself. Kazakhstan on the other hand, would prove to remain a loyal ally of the Republic of Russia, fighting with him to reunify the country under a democratic government.
==== '''Second Five Year Plan''' ====
The second five year plan, lasting from 2043 to 2048, called for propper integration of the republic's vast territories, mainly the reintegration and rerussification of the Ural Republic. It also called for the implementation of regional border guards and the consolidation of political power, ie the depolarization of his political parties and the stabilizing of his country. The second five year plan was more successfull than the first, and perhaps even the most successfull up to date.
==== '''Third Five Year Plan''' ====
The third five year plan, lasting from 2048 to 2053, called for banning the rationalist and anocratic syndicalist parties, the latter of which recieved major criticism. The alliance also called for an alliance with China for help to reunify his country, in hopes of counterbalancing the aid the Union of Russia was recieving from the Intermarium. It also included a secret paragraph about potentially, with the help of Chinese, Romanian and Ukrainian intervention, topple the Union of Russia and overthrow the rationalist regimes of the Intermarium and create a democratic pan-eurasian co-prosperity sphere. The banning of the rationalist and syndicalist parties being unpopular and deemed "undemocratic", in spite of their low popularity. The alliance with China also never came to be, however trade between the two nations improved significantly and most of the Central Asian nations would join in and get addicted to it. Following the failure of the third five year plan, future plans would be smaller in scale and more grounded in reality.
'''Decades of Peace'''
The Republic of Russia would spend the following decades on rebuilding, ending the famine in his country and engaging in the occational border skirmish against a neighgor. He would remain officially at war with the Union of Russia since the [[1st Ural War]] and technically even since the [[2nd Russian Revolution]] and neither side would recognize the other, however no major military engagements would actually take place, even border skirmishes were a rare sight.
==== [[Great Ural War|'''The Great Ural War''']] ====
When [[Tatarstan]] suddenly started making major advances into the [[Union of Russia]], RR would scramble to get his armies ready to join the invasion. As the Republican forces started advancing towards the Volga river the [[Union of Russia]] threatened to unleash the remainder of his nuclear arsenal in retaliation. RR, believing it a bluff, continued his advance whilst claiming the [[Union of Russia|Union]] wouldn't dare to do it since he has nukes too, - even though he doesn't. In a gamble that would have paid off, the Republic crossed the Volga river and captured Saratov and Kuznetsk, even starting to cross the wasteland, until a hydrogen bomb blew up Perm. RR, initially believing he messed up, RR tried to back down while he evacuated his other cities, but as he realized the [[Union of Russia|UR]] shared his confusion he instead struck a deal with them to call a truce on their border, with the new borders running roughly along the Volga. He then commisioned his spy agency to investigate the destruction of his capital, which had killed one million people.