Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic
The Russian Federative Socialist Republic (Or RSFSR for short) was one of the three states attempting to reunite Russia after the Russian Federation's collapse, alongside the fascist Union of Russia and the progressive, albeit expansionist, Republic of Russia. A totalitarian communist government, he seeks to reform the USSR. Although his direct administration is extremely small, mostly only controlling the lands of the former Komi Republic, he has multiple puppets across northwestern Russia. These puppets are the Kajanan state in Finland, the Sámi in the Kola peninsula, a Karelian puppet, and the Russian Commune, a conservative socialist fragment of the Union of Russia currently in control of Moscow after the Union of Russia's collapse.

Reformation and early expansion
Following the collapse of the Russian Federation in World War 2.5 (2034), Russia splintered into many states. RSFSR rose in a small part of the modern-day Vologda Oblast in Russia. Extremely weak and small, RSFSR was nonetheless a tactical mastermind. During the Third Russian Civil War, RSFSR ignited a war with the much larger Komi Republic to the north in 2039. Taking a chunk of land in the modern day Archangelsk Oblast before signing peace due to the front grinding to a halt and threats of intervention by Udmurtia. Following the collapse of Finland in 2065, he would influence the Republic of Karelia's politics, destabilizing them until he launched a successful communist coup in 2070 and created a puppet government along with the USSR alliance (Effectively an RSFSR puppet bloc). His demographics are extremely weak- according to dialogue from Scandinavia, his population was little more than 2 million with a very weak industry and controlling only wastelands prior to the Third Russian Revolution. Furthermore, Servant Mapper confirmed that he isn't very stable. Despite this, his strategic genius has allowed him to gain ground.
Rise to regional power status
Nuclear Bomb on Republic of Russia
See more: Great Ural War
In 2071, Chuvashia and Tatarstan began a war with the Union of Russia, making large pushes in the south. Quickly, the Republic of Russia alongside their ally of Kazakhstan intervened to get as much land as they could from the Union of Russia. With all aforementioned powers pushing the Union of Russia significantly (With Chuvashia eventually even pushing over the Volga River), Union of Russia began threatening the Republic with nuclear strikes. The Republic of Russia also threatened to drop nukes if nuked, and although the Union of Russia was not actually going to nuke him, the RSFSR, who (presumably) stole the Republic of Russia's nukes at an unknown point, dropped a nuke on the Republic of Russia, confusing both states, leading to a peace agreement between the powers.
Second War with Komi and War with the Republic of Russia
Due to Komi Republic's lack of response to RSFSR's ultimatums, RSFSR declared war on him in 2075- He initially thought that he would have to prepare much longer, but due to the Fifth Reich sending him supplies, he decided to start the invasion much earlier, making quick advances. Quickly, however, Udmurtia joined the war on Komi's side and got the Republic of Russia to side with him as well. Nonetheless, RSFSR made steady advances against Komi who quickly collapsed, but afterwards the Republic of Russia began rapidly advancing on him, controlling RSFSR's core territory by 2076, only to get outsmarted as RSFSR sent armies through the radiation and encircled half of his army. RSFSR did, however, make perhaps his only tactical blunder in the entire series here- he agreed to peace and gaining a massive amount of land in exchange for letting the Republic of Russia's armies return home safely, only for the Republic to immediately declare war again and make hefty advances in the east until grinding to another stalemate by 2077. There, the Republic went through the radiation himself, cutting off most of RSFSR's land from Kotlas. However, RSFSR was preparing for this, encircling the army sent through the radiation and getting the Republic to accept a peace deal in which he was able to get control over Komi Republic.
Spread of RSFSR's influence in Finland
Following Finland's collapse, it fractured into the following states: In the southeast, Karelia, already a puppet of the RSFSR. In the far northeast, the Anarcho-Syndicalist Sámi state, with the far northwest falling under Scandinavian control. In Central Finland, the fascist Kajanan State formed, in the central south the old Finnish government retained power, in the northwest Ostrobothnia formed a monarchy, and in the southwest lied Satakunda, who's ideology isn't known. RSFSR demanded for Sámi to join his sphere of influence, and when the old government refused to work with Kajanan and Satakunda to reunite Finland, Kajanan offered to join RSFSR's sphere.
World War 3 and the collapse of the Union of Russia
See more: Third Russian Revolution
Second war with Republic of Russia
During World War 3, the Republic of Russia joined the brief and fairly unimportant Far Eastern front of the war in order to reclaim the easternmost parts of Siberia. RSFSR used this opportunity to start another war with the Republic of Russia, accidentally preventing an invasion of Udmurtia in the process. Nonetheless, only minor border changes happened as a result of this war which didn't last any longer than WW3's Far Eastern front.
Third Russian Revolution
The RSFSR got a far better opportunity in 2085. After the Union of Russia's provisional government attempted to install capitalist policies, the Conservative Socialist faction within the Union revolted as an RSFSR puppet in the Russian Commune, claiming that the Union of Russia "Betrayed our workers" and that they were collaborating with the Germans. Due to the defiance of the Union of Russia's military commanders in the south, the RSFSR and his new puppet were easily able to march down to Moscow, though Vologda, initially controlled by the socialist rebels, declared independence under a conservative democratic government, leading us to the RSFSR's current controlled lands.
RSFSR is a cold, ruthless character with little regard for his population and very willing to enforce his totalitarian communist ideals on others. He is staunchly militarist and a brilliant tactician. In a conversation with Scandinavia, the Fifth Reich said on the RSFSR; "He [the RSFSR] is a military mastermind, maybe even more so than me". He held out against and even advanced on the much more powerful Republic of Russia several times during his campaigns. Even Komi was far larger than him during his initial expansion. Per Servant Mapper, he has the 3rd highest confirmed IQ out of any character after the Fifth Reich and Yugoslavia.