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Servant Mapper (talk | contribs)
Servant Mapper (talk | contribs)
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==== Nonsensophobia ====
==== Nonsensophobia ====
[[Servant Mapper|Servant]] likes to meta-ironically call himself a "homophobic transphobe and christian fundamentalist", viewing alleged phobias such as homophobia, transphbia, islamphobia fatphobia etc to be meaningless words. His reasoning goes as follows:
[[Servant Mapper|Servant]] likes to meta-ironically call himself a "homophobic transphobe and christian fundamentalist", viewing alleged phobias such as homophobia, transphobia, islamphobia, fatphobia, etc to be meaningless words. His reasoning goes as follows:
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Subsequently, no matter its definition it ain't suitable as a slur against Christian values, and homophobia could only really be considered a bad thing if it means hating homosexual people, - which most conservatives doesn't do anyway. This renders "homophobia" either fully okay or very rare, and as such the word is nothing but an attempt of the left to weaponize language. The word doesn't even have a consistant definition as it mostly just means whatever the leftist wants it to mean in any given moment. The same also goes for other "phobias" like Islamophobia, transphobia and fatphobia to name a few.
Subsequently, no matter its definition it ain't suitable as a slur against Christian values, and homophobia could only really be considered a bad thing if it means hating homosexual people, - which most conservatives doesn't do anyway. This renders "homophobia" either fully okay or very rare, and as such the word is nothing but an attempt of the left to weaponize language. The word doesn't even have a consistant definition as it mostly just means whatever the leftist wants it to mean in any given moment. The same also goes for other "phobias" like Islamophobia, transphobia and fatphobia to name a few.

==== Freedom of Speech ====
[[Servant Mapper]] is an avid supporter of freedom of speech as he thinks language should not be judged by the government but by God.

==== Objective Truth ====
[[Servant Mapper]] views truth as fundamentally objective, and condemns post-modernism for this reason. If there are no objective truths then it cannot be objectively true that there are no objective truths, and thus, there are objective truths. Proof by contradiction.

objective truth
===== Morality =====
"if morality is subjective then you are no better than Hitler"</blockquote>Objective morality can only be possible in monotheism as without an almighty being there is no one who can objectively say something like "murder is bad".

== Economy ==