Ukraine is a conservative democracy in Eastern Europe.
Personality edit
Ukraine is a neutral good enneagram 1 with an IQ of 101. Having for much of his history been bossed around and mistreated by Russia, Ukraine seeks to be in charge himself, as he reckons he could do the job much better himself. He takes pride in being the good guy, wanting to do the right thing. Though his goals are noble, this essentially gives him a hero complex, as his high views of himself and of his goals can easily make him forget the fact that he can become corrupt as well. Ultimately, he is not perfect, and it could be argued he is no better than Russia in this regard. As he becomes a regional power following the events of World War III he is seen being audacious and erratic, quickly letting his idealistic goals take priority over his methods of conduct. His over all pride and inability to aknowledge his own mistakes whilst being quick to judge others can often make him dishonest or inconsistent when it comes to forgiving.
History edit
Ukraine War edit
Ukrainian Counter Offensives edit
Ukraine started off the series in the Russo-Ukraine War, lasting from 2022 to 2026. During the war, he fiercly fought back the Russians accompanied by aid from NATO and the EU. In the summer of 2022 Ukraine would launch his first counter offensive which would be a major success. In it he would take back much territory around Kharkiv as well as pushing back to the Dnipro River. He would also prevent the Russians from achieving a landing at Odessa, though the Transnistria Incident would still transpire. In the following year, summer 2024, Ukraine would thus launch his second counter offensive, often referred to as the Donetsk Offensive, or the Berdiansk Offensive. In it he would liberate the city from the Russian siege, break through the Russian lines and successfully lauch a spearhead to the coastal city Berdiansk, capturing it and cutting off the Russian forces in the south west. This coupled with the rebellion in Crimea would force the Russians to evacuate, effectively liberating the whole of Ukraine from Russian rule, apart from the Donbas. In the 6th of August the same year, Ukraine would also conduct the Kursk Offensive into Russia propper, with limited success. Angered by these setbacks, Russia would move on to phase 4 of their war plan, and launch a new invasion towards Kyiv, as well as forcing Belarus to join the war.
Second Northern Incursion edit
Due to the low number of Ukrainian troops defending the northern front, Russia would initially make steady gains much like he did in the start of the war. He would capture Kharkiv, Sumy and Chernihiv though fail to capture Kyiv itself. Despite Belarus making some advances as well, these would be repelled by an Ukrainian counter offensive which would reach into Belarus itself putting the city of Brest under Ukrainian siege. In 2026, Ukraine, Belarus and Russia would negotiate a peace treaty in Minsk, mediated by US president Donald J. Trump, prompted by severe war exhaustion for both sides. In the peace deal Russia would annex the Donbas region but nothing else and Ukraine would be forbidden from joining NATO or the EU. Crimea would not be mentioned in the peace treaty and would remain de facto independent as an unrecognized nation until the 2nd Russian Revolution following World War 2.5.
Fall of Russia edit
World War 2.5 edit
See more: World War 2.5, 2nd Russian Revolution
After only 8 years, Ukraine would go to war with the Russian Federation once again, seeking to reclaim his lost territory now that Russia was falling both to CETO forces and to himself. Ukraine would reclaim the Donbas in under a year, as well as capturing parts of the Kursk, Belgorod, Krasnodar Krai and Rostov Oblast, as most enemy forces were distracted elsewhere. Fortune would not last for Ukraine however, as on the eve of 2035 a Russia would unleash much of his nuclear arsenal, prompting the Russian Apocalypse.
Slow Recovery edit
It would take Ukraine many decades to recover from the fallout of the war, but with the help of the Ukrainian Labor Act which boosted his fertility rates, along with many other successfull policies, Ukraine would would manage to recover his former strength by the mid-to-late 2070s. Due to the fact that he was now surrounded by weaker neighbors and no external threats, he would become a regional power and project a sizable sphere of influence over the Caucasian states, keeping the region stable for much of the 21st century.
World War 3 edit
See more: World War 3
In early 2085 Ukraine would convince the Don Republic to intervene in the 3rd Russian Revolution on his behalf. Later in the same year Germany would ask him to officially join the war himself, in order to enact revenge and finish him off once and for all. Ukraine however declined this offer, claiming to have forgiven the Russians. Instead, Ukraine joined the war on the side of the Intermarium and thus immediately had to repell a German incursion. This was achieved in the bloody Battle of Kyiv, which was one of the only decisively victorious battles of the Intermarium. The war would end soon after as the Ukrainian population did not want to go through the long grind ahead of them if the war was to be fought to its end. Additionally, many Ukrainians feared the Germans would resort to the nuclear option, much like the Russians had done, which they were far from eagered to have to endure once more.
Regional Power Status edit
World War III firmly cemented Ukraine's new status as a regional power, now competing for influence against the Republic of Russia, whom Ukraine did not want to see reunited. Ukraine would go on to clean up the mess in Russia, establishing the Russian Republic as a puppet government in counter to the Republic of Russia. Ukraine would become the new de facto leader of the Intermarium following the demise of France and the weakening of Poland. Realizing his new found potential, Ukraine went on to sponsoring democratic revolutions in both the Don Republic and Circassia as he now sought to mold Caucasia in his image rather than just keeping it stable. These revolutions were mild successess.