World War 2.5

Revision as of 12:02, 11 January 2025 by Servant Mapper (talk | contribs)

World War 2.5 was a large European conflict between CETO, lead by Germany and against mainly Russia and France.

World War 2.5
Timeline: 2032-2035
Location Europe
France (2032-2032)

Wallonia (2032-2032) Russian Federation Belarus Anarchists of Athens (2032-2034)


Austria Netherlands Belgium Luxembourg Norway Denmark Finland Canada Livonia Crimea Georgia Czechia (2033-2035) Romania (2032-2033) Moldova (2032-2033) Portugal (2032-2033) Poland (2032-2033) Hungary (2032-2033) Lithuania (2032-2033) Greece (2032-2034) Bulgaria (2032-2034) Croatia (2032-2034) Albania (2032-2034) Ukraine (2034-2035) Japan (2035)

Spain (2032)

Morocco (2032) Nations of the Françafrique (2032) Türkiye (2032-2034) Italy (2032-2034) Slovenia (2032-2034) Serbia (2032-2034)

Ukraine (2033-234)

Sweden (2032-2035) United States (2032) Ireland (2032-2033)


After the economical recession of 2029 the old World Order was rapidly falling apart. Iran and Syria had recently fell to anachism, America was fighting a guerilla war trying to prevent the same from also happening to Panama, Colombia, Venezuela and Guyana whilst also trying to provide humanitarian aid to the revolution going on in China. Due to these distractions the US had thought it best to leave NATO and withdraw from Europe at least temporarily in order to better take care of the rest of the world, including himself. Him leaving NATO however made a huge dent in the alliance's reputation and many other countries would soon leave it as well, primarily the newly proclaimed rationalist states likes France, Spain and Italy but also isolationist Britain, among other democracies. The remainder of NATO would be renamed to CETO (Central European Treaty Organization) and would be lead by Germany.

Wallonian Uprising

In late 2031 Wallonia would rise up in southern Belgium, attempting to gain independence. After a few months of fighting the rebels accidentally revealed France to be their sponsor. Given this realization and France's over all hostility, Germany decided to activate Article 5 since France was essentially attacking a CETO member.