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==== Puppet Bloc ====
==== Puppet Bloc ====
In the spring of 2056, Yugoslavia would decide to devide up all of his conquered territory into a series of puppet states for better stability. These were: Thrace, East Bulgaria, West Bulgaria, South Macedonia, North Greece, South Greece, Epirus, Albania, Slavonia and Herzegovina. The Herzegovinan state was established in the south of Bosnia, due to Yugoslavia's deportation of the ethnic Herzegovinians from their core territory, in favor of expanding their Srpskan province. The puppets, especially the less cooperative ones, were heavily taxed on resources. Many of their men were deported as slaves to Yugoslavia propper and most of their agricultural lands were salted to make them relient on their master.
In the spring of 2056, Yugoslavia would decide to devide up all of his conquered territory into a series of puppet states for better stability. These were: Thrace, East Bulgaria, West Bulgaria, South Macedonia, North Greece, South Greece, Epirus, Albania, Slavonia and Herzegovina. The Herzegovinan state was established in the south of Bosnia, due to Yugoslavia's deportation of the ethnic Herzegovinians from their core territory, in favor of expanding their Srpskan province. The puppets, especially the less cooperative ones, were heavily taxed on resources. Many of their men were deported as slaves to Yugoslavia propper and most of their agricultural lands were salted to make them relient on their master.
==== Resistance Movement ====
From the few records we still have, life in these puppet states is thought to have been very tough, enough so, that once [[Croatia]] had gotten their independence from [[Italy]] in 2058 thanks to [[Fifth Reich (AFOE: Collapse)|Germany]], he immediately started funding and orgonizing resistance groups in hopes of eventually helping them rebel from Serbian rule. The states most involved in this were North Greece, South Macedonia, Herzegovina and West Bulgaria. West Bulgaria however got struck down by Yugoslavia after East Bulgaria reported him during one of their conversation.
In 2076 the [[British Empire]] would seek to buy Crete from the Yugoslav puppet of South Greece to use as a naval base in his war against Turquia. Yugoslavia rejected this, even when threatened with war and subsequently invaded the British occupation zone in Turquia.
==== Balkan Revolution ====
In 2081, in the midst of [[World war III|World War III]], the Balkan Revolution would be launched. The revolution however lacked crucial [[Fifth Reich of Deutschland (AFOE: Collapse)|German]] support, since Yugoslavia had in advance arranged a secret deal with them to instead team up on [[Croatia]] in return for further Adriatic access. For this reason the revolution was short and Yugoslavia was quick to put it down, defeating [[Croatia]] too and thus having no remaining enemies.