Yugoslavia is the undisputed Balkan hegemon, ruled entiretely by the Serbs. He is a Despotic Geniocracy and leader of the Balkan Order, - his puppet alliance.



Yugoslavia is a lawful evil enneagram 5w6 with an IQ of 185, making him the most intelligent character in the entire series, apart from a few supernatural characters like Cinatit The Corruptor, Order 666 and The Creator. He is deeply paranoid and self-centered, with his goal being self-preservation. What makes his character unique however, is that, unlike similar characters like Poland and Israel, self-preservation is his only goal and priority. He has no alterior motives. He does not care about morality, he does not care about the likes of others and he does not care about revenge. Only self-preservation. He is thus, like Croatia points out, a complete psychopath to and thru. Though he is often seen restricting his brutality, caring for his people (not for his puppets), making deals and keeping them, etc, the only reason he does this is to keep up his reputation so he doesn't get civil wars or coalitions.


Yugoslavia considers the concept of feelings as nothing more than biological reactions and that they are thus irrelevant, except when it comes to predicting the behaviors of others. He appears to hold to a belief that the intellect is the only neccessary trait for success making him an intellectualist. Yugoslavia is an agnostic, not valuing religion though clearly taking note of the demonic forces applicable. He does not like the concept as it is unpredictable, and unpredictebility is his greatest fear. Yugoslavia seeks self-preservation since he views the meaning of life to be giving the universe that hosts it meaning and for that to be possible humanity must keep existing.


4th Balkan War

After electing the SRS to power in his 2032 election, Serbia revoked his constitution and established a despotic geniocracy. Following the weakening of CETO influence over the Balkans as a result of World War 2.5, Serbia launched an invasion of Kosovo in 2035, with the alleged justification of increasing manpower through slavery and revenge. Whether his alleged desire for revenge was a remnant of his old personality or a fabrication to the boost morale of his army is unclear, but what is not unclear was the fact that Croatia and Albania joined the war against him. This was immediately answered by him calling Montenegro and Republika Srpska into the war, and by marching through Bosnia and Herzegovina together with Srpska he quickly encircled the Croatian army, capturing all of Slavonia as a result. By the summer of 2036 the war had grinded to a stalemate after the fall of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the fall of Kosovo. Serbia then tried to call in North Macedonia into the war on his side, as per their previous secret treaty made in April of 2035, however Macedonia backstabed Serbia, leading to the brief liberation of Kosovo and a small counter offensive made by Croatia. This turned around once the Anarchists of Athens joined the war on a third side in Autum. This would lead to the fall of Albania and North Macedonia and to an anarcho-capitalist revolution to happen in Bulgaria. The war would then end in a truce in 2037, much to the dismay of Türkiye who had been backing the Serbs. Following the war Croatia became a puppet of Italy while Serbia, Montenegro and Republika Srpska would unite, forming Yugoslavia.

First War on Anarchism

In 2054, Yugoslavia would join Türkiye against the Anarchists of Athens and anarcho-capitalist Bulgaria, completely conquering them both by 2055.

Puppet Bloc

In the spring of 2056, Yugoslavia would decide to devide up all of his conquered territory into a series of puppet states for better stability. These were: Thrace, East Bulgaria, West Bulgaria, South Macedonia, North Greece, South Greece, Epirus, Albania, Slavonia and Herzegovina. The Herzegovinan state was established in the south of Bosnia, due to Yugoslavia's deportation of the ethnic Herzegovinians from their core territory, in favor of expanding their Srpskan province. The puppets, especially the less cooperative ones, were heavily taxed on resources. Many of their men were deported as slaves to Yugoslavia propper and most of their agricultural lands were salted to make them relient on their master.