False Anarchism

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False Anarchism, sometimes referred to in-series as AnSynd (Anarcho-Syndicalist) Pakhanate, refers to an effective ideology within the Alternate Future of Europe: Collapse timeline practiced in many "anarchist" states backed up by the Fifth Reich. Most of the Collateral Liberty Pact falls under this ideology. False anarchism is effectively a country that claims to be Anarchist (Usually anarcho-syndicalist) without any government, but under the effective rule by armed gangs and the mafia. This effectively makes them a military dictatorship masking itself as an Anarcho-Syndicalist utopia. This ideology was practiced in Syria, Iran, Chad, and Yemen under their False Anarchist governments. Although Iraq and for a period of time Kurdistan were also members for the Collateral Liberty Pact, both of these states were legitimate anarchists without any institutions at all. Iran tried to justify False Anarchism claiming that states would need some sort of institutions to not be completely dysfunctional, and Syria accused Iraq of being idealistic claiming that true anarchism couldn't be achieved until the whole world fell to anarchism. False Anarchism, being propped up by the satanist 5th Reich, was also deeply anti-religion, with the False Anarchists eradicating divine authority from their lands. Slowly realizing that this False Anarchism was Germany's way to establish puppets ultimately led to Iraq switching sides in the late stages of World War 3's Middle Eastern front.